@prefix geo: . @prefix dbo: . @prefix schema: . @prefix geojson: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix nsp: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix cito: . [ a geojson:FeatureCollection ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.55533274E1 3.81808393E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 155, 156, 412" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 88-89, 166-167" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.740Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.740Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Anne" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1178-1179" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Ola Grafeos" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Anne of Messina" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Anna di Messina" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1179" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1178" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.546865E1 3.823531E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Luigi Santagati, Viabilità e topografia della Sicilia antica, vol. 2 (Caltanissetta: Edizioni Lussografica, 2013), 93 (s.v. \"Gesso\"), places Gypso 9 kilometers (approximately 5.5 miles) northwest of Messina." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 93, 187, 357" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.920Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.920Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Gregory" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1101" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524634/gesso.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ysa" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Gibiso" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Gypsus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Gesso" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ibiso" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Gysa" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Gesso" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Gregorio di Gypso" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Gregory of Gypso" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.35771576E1 3.73114325E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 152" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.903Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.903Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint George" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1154" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525764/agrigento.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Girgenti" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Agrigento" ; nsp:isNear "Agrigento" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giorgio di Agrigento" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint George of Agrigento" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1154" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.33606459E1 3.81168651E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 161" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.209Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.209Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Matthew" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1112" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Matteo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Matthew" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1112" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1112" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.33606459E1 3.81168651E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 141" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.084Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.084Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Christopher" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1697" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Christopher" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Cristoforo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1697" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1697" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.523069E1 3.782049E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "White, Latin Monasticism, (187 n.2), asks whether this could be the same house as Saint Eunufrius of Calatabiano." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 183, 418" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41, 187 n." ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.931Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.931Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Onufrius" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525459/calatabiano.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Palachorion" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Calatabiet" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Calatabieth" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Calatabiano" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santo Eunufrio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Onofrio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santo Honufrio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Onofrio di Calatabiet" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Onufrio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Onufrius of Calatabiet" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.478688E1 3.81222117E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 164" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.266Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.266Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1389" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524020/naso.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Naso" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Lacu" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Lacu" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1389" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1389" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.483369E1 3.7662844E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 114, 157-158" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.655Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.655Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Lucy" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1158" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Adelasia (Granddaughter of Count Roger I)" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525769/adrano.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Adernò" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Adrano" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "google_earth" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 5.58E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Lucy of Adernò" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Lucia di Adernò" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1158" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1158" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3362868E1 3.8114766E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "White (p. 42) suggests that this monastery may have also been known under the names of \"Santa Maria de Crisè\" and \"Santa Maria la Pinta.\" Scaduto, on the other hand, considers them as separate entities (p. 160) as does Giunta (p. 729). " ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42, 127 n.4, 161, 289" , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 209-210" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 62, 159 n., 245" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.098Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.098Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1140" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "George of Antioch" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Admiral" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "google_earth" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 1.5E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of the Admiral" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria la Pinta" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Crisè" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1140" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1140" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.55210473E1 3.81908266E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 156-157" , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 168" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.399Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.399Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Christ" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1101?" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Salvatore Filantropo" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santissimo Salvatore di Messina" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Christ the Savior of Messina" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1101" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.42360416E1 3.79832076E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "On 102 n. 8, White, Latin Monasticism, notes that Pirri, Sicilia sacra (794 and 837), suggests that this house is the same as Saint Mary \"de Palatio,\" located two miles from Tusa." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 94, 102-103, 250, 253" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.680Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.680Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1123" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2522839/tusa.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Tusia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Maritimae Tusae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Tosa" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Tuz'ah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Tusa" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Tusa" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria de Palatio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Tusa" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria Palatia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Bartholomew of Lipari/Saint Savior of Patti" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1123" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1123" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.34333844E1 3.77208839E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 49, 167, 263, 272" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.711Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.711Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Christopher" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Matthew Bonell" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523678/prizzi.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Prizi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "B.r.zzu" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Perizium" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Piricii" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Perici" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Prizzi" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Cristoforo di Prizzi" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Christopher of Prizzi" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Saint Steven of the Forest, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:order "Cistercians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.551667E1 3.818333E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 186" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.312Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.312Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Peter" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Peter of Largo Flumine" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Pietro di Largoflumine" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Pietro di Largo Fiumine" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.33592628E1 3.81142765E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "The guide given out at the church reads that the monastery was founded by Robert Guiscard in 1071, becoming one of the richest in Sicily. Nothing from the Norman structure survives, however, as a bombardment in 1943 destroyed whatever remained (which had been incorporated into a modern buidling which today hosts a school). It also reads that according to tradition, Empress Costanza, daughter of Roger II, may have been an abbess of this Basilian convent and that Santa Rosalia, Palermo's patron, may have also been a Basilian nun; a bilingual inscription in Greek and Latin records the discovery of one of her books inside the church." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41, 43, 125" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 161" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.410Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.410Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Christ" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/10344717/chiesa-del-santissimo-salvatore.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 5.5E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Christ the Savior of Palermo" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santissimo Salvatore di Palermo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.48274471E1 3.81104051E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/monastero-del-san-michele-al-fulgerino-presso-piedimonte-etneo/" ; dbo:notes "There is some confusion here. White sees this as a separate house that may have been also referred to as \"San Michele di Fulgerino\" and \"San Michele di Filarino\" (p. 42). Scaduto, however, asserts (p. 80) that San Michele/Sant'Angelo di Ficarra was the same house as San Michele/Sant'Angelo di Brolo (attested to as of 1084) and that San Michele di Fulgerino/San Michele di Filarino, located in Linguaglossa, is not attested to until the 15th century." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 80" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.165Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.165Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Michael the Archangel" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524764/ficarra.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ficcara" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Fulgerino" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Filarino" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ficarie" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Ficarra" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Michele di Fulgerino" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Michael of Ficarra" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Michele di Ficarra" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.32995746E1 3.78135067E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "By March 1177, Archbishop Offamil of Palermo had ceded control of this monastery to the Abbot of Monreale. White, Latin Monasticism, 158." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 138, 144 n., 158-159" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.666Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.666Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Mary Magdalene" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524928/corleone.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Coniglione" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Coiroillionis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Corilionis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qorliûn" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Corleone" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria Maddalena di Corleone" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary Magdalene of Corleone" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Archbishopric of Palermo" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4213745E1 3.7304803E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 103-104" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.692Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.692Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524200/mazzarino.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mazareni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Casale Mazarini" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mazareno" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mazaranu" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Caltanissetta" ; nsp:isNear "Mazzarino" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 3 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Mazzarino" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Mazzarino" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Bartholomew of Lipari/Saint Savior of Patti" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.41845535E1 3.71875953E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "\n" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 88, 94, 101, 103, 251" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.704Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.704Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1125" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525480/butera.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Buthìr" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Butheria" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Caltanissetta" ; nsp:isNear "Butera" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 3 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Butera" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Butera" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Bartholomew of Lipari/Saint Savior of Patti" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1125" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1125" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41, 191 n. 1" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 90" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.074Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.074Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Michael the Archangel" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1080" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Michael of the Val Demone" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Angelo di Val Demone" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1080" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1080" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.33683437E1 3.81131978E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "G.A. Loud, Latin Church in Norman Italy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 533 (Appendix V)) puts the Cistercian foundation at 1190/1191 and adds that the house was turned over to the Teutonic Knights in 1197. Part of this church was destroyed during a bombardment in 1943. " ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 71, 72, 133, 180-181" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.678Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.678Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Holy Trinity" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "c. 1191" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Matthew of Agello" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Royal Vice-Chancellor" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 1.2E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Holy Trinity of the Chancellor" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santissima Trinità del Cancelliere" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "La Magione" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Santissima Trinità Palermo" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1200" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1182" ; nsp:order "Cistercians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.55533274E1 3.81908266E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 156" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.954Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.954Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint John" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1091-1092" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint John of the Greeks" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giovanni dei Greci" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1092" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1091" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.33614322E1 3.8110431E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 239" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.053Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.053Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "All Saints" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1181" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "L'ospedale di Tutti i Santi di Palermo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Hospital of All Saints of Palermo" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Order of the Knights of the Hospital of Saint John at Jerusalem" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1181" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1181" ; nsp:order "Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300312214" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Hospital" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5068383E1 3.6889834E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 49, 56, 183-186, 278" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.789Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.789Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Lucy" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1103" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523998/noto.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Notosc" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Nutus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Nota" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Notus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Syracuse" ; nsp:isNear "Noto" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Lucia di Noto" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Lucy of Noto" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Priory of Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1103" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1103" ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.33606459E1 3.81168651E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "There is some confusion here. Although Giunta lists White as a source, the only reference we can find in White's book to a St. Theodore in Palermo is found on page 11 - a reference to a 6th-century document. This house does not appear in the list of Basilian monasteries White provides on pages 41-43 of his book." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 161" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 11" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.215Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.215Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Theodore" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Teodoro" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Theodore" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.49154348E1 3.76571737E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "This was purportedly a summer location for the monks in Santa Maria di Licodia. It has now been restored and is used as a restaurant and as a wedding venue. This structure was brought to our attention during a visit to Santa Maria di Licodia in July 2016; we are not yet aware of other sources that attest to Norman origins for this building." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Cusa, Salvatore, ed. I diplomi greci ed arabi di Sicilia pubblicati nel testo originale. Palermo: Stabilimento tip. Lao, 1868. pp. 558" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.744Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.744Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/V7MNSAU3" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1143" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Thomasia" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess of Butera and Policastro" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Simon" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count of Butera and Policastro" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523320/santa-maria-di-licodia.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Santa Maria di Licodia" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 8.47E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Licodia (Summer Abbey)" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Licodia" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Agatha of Catania" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1143" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1143" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "This information is problematic. Giunta (p. 729) lists the monastery under the heading \"Val di Mazara\" but then locates it \"presso S. Nicola l'Arena,\" which is located in Catania and, therefore, this Saint Onufrius would actually be in the Val di Noto. But Scaduto (p. 125 n. 208), whom Giunta cites, writes \"Sembra che anche quest'altro monastero di S. Onofrio fosse pure in origine basiliano, costruito non lungi da quello di S. Michele [di Campogrosso] e di cui al tempo di Pirri restava solo vestigium nominis.\" Saint Michael (earlier known as \"Saint Mary\") of Campogrosso is located in the Val di Mazara, near Altavilla Milicia." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 125" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.225Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.225Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Onufrius" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1284" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Eunufrio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Onofrius" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Onufrio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Onofrio" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santo Eunufrio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santo Honufrio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1284" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1284" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.41217277E1 3.78836617E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Meli, Guido. \"Un tesoro di pietra: architettura inedita a Geraci Siculo.\" In Forme d'arte a Geraci Siculo dalla pietra al decoro, 29-42. Bagheria (PA): Tipografia Aiello, 1997. pp. 145-54" , "Antista, Giuseppe. \"Il priorato di Santa Maria della Cava.\" In Architettura e arte a Geraci: (XI-XVI secolo), 145-54. Collana Arte 3. San Marino delle Scale: Abadir, 2009. pp. 145-54" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.115Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.115Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/WNAS99IR" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/UDQ5T7EL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1143?" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524641/geraci-siculo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Giracium" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Gârâs" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Giracii" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Garas" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Girachii" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Geragia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Geraci Siculo" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "google_earth" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 6.81E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria della Cava" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Cava" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1147" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1039" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5219302E1 3.803109E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Having fallen victim to an earthquake, a flood and the post-Risorgimento sale of ecclesiastical lands that placed it in private hands to ultimately be used as farmland, little remains of the monastery of Santa Venera. Surrounded by hills and valleys and just a few feet away from the fiumara (seasonal river) of Santa Venera, Antonino Quattrocchi, a local historian who has done research on this foundation and has located the monastery near the modern town of Castroreale (see his Sui sentieri dei monaci di Vanella (2017)), explained that the area was once heavily forested but that the trees were depleted in the fifteenth century to build houses for newly-formed communes like Bafia. Not much of the structure remains visible. Continual heavy rains that lasted for over two weeks in January 1880 lead to landslides that left much of it buried. As of our 2019 visit, only the upper windows remain aboveground. Unfortunately, lack of funding has prevented excavation to uncover what lies below the earth. It should also be noted that the site rests in private hands, located on a family estate. Mr. Quattrocchi explained that the visible structure is most likely a sixteenth-century refabrication of the Norman medieval building; indeed, a document from the 1500s describes the reconstruction of Santa Venera. The remains only became visible in 2009-2010, when another flood shifted the ground and laid the ruins bare. We would like to end with an expression of our deep gratitude to the current landowner for permitting us to visit the site as well as to Mr. Quattrocchi for his enthusiasm, knowledge and warm hospitality during our visit in July 2019. " ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 100, 363" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 731" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.477Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.477Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Venera" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525073/castroreale.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Baffia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Vanellu" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Castroreale" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 4.01E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Parasceve di Vanella" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Venera di Vanella" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Venera of Vanella" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4362704E1 3.792746E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Cusa, Salvatore, ed. I diplomi greci ed arabi di Sicilia pubblicati nel testo originale. Palermo: Stabilimento tip. Lao, 1868. pp. 413" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 112" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.716Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.716Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/V7MNSAU3" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Anastasia" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1122" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Matthew of Creun" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524122/mistretta.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mistrecta" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Mistretta" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Anastasia di Mistretta" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Anastasia of Mistretta" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1122" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1122" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.460082E1 3.778525E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 87, 186, 363, 375, 390" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.132Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.132Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Mercurius" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2522849/troina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Targinis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Troinae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Traina" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Trainae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Draginat" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Trayna" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Targinis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Enna" ; nsp:isNear "Troina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Mercurio di Troina" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mercurius of Troina" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.27541969E1 3.76858036E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "In Monumenti della Sicilia normanna, 2d. ed. (Palermo: Flaccovio, 1979), 59, Guido Di Stefano suggests a foundation between 1140 and 1160, leaning towards the earlier date." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 36-37, 41, 43" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.466Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.466Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Holy Trinity" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1392" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525083/castelvetrano.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bellumvidere Castle" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bellumvider Castle" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qaṣr Ibn Mankud" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Palazzo Pignatelli" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Vitranum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Handag al daliyah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Trapani" ; nsp:isNear "Castelvetrano" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 1.49E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santissima Trinità di Delia" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Holy Trinity of Delia" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1392" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1392" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.33620184E1 3.81148252E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "White, Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily, 161, n. 4, notes that part of this foundation (a section of the cortile), established in a house of Geoffrey of Martirano and his wife, Aloysa, survived as \"the only surviving bit of Norman domestic architecture.\" It was destroyed soon after, during World War II. It had at one time been owned by Countess Adelicia of Collesano." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 127 n., 157 n.6, 161-162, 289" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.689Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.689Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1193" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Aloysa of Martirano" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Geoffrey of Martirano" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 1.6E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary Martorana" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria Martorana" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1193" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1193" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4362807E1 3.7392229E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/gran-priorato-santandrea-presso-piazza-armerina/" ; dbo:notes "Located on a hill in one of Piazza Armerina’s suburbs, the former monastery has few neighbors – though there are roads and a gravel path that lead into the city, there are just a few villas and hills nearby. It is not often disturbed, as it is solely used for wedding ceremonies of which there are just a few every year. Though none were seen during the visit, there is evidence that goats and sheep have access to the site and that it may be used for grazing. They are not the only creatures great or small that have been on the grounds – there are bird feathers and droppings throughout. A shrub field with a gravel path lies to the north of the former monastery. Though Sant’Andrea sees little parochial traffic, when we were at the site in 2019, the sacristan described how it sometimes serves as a base for late-night revelry. As a result, the site is littered and graffitied and there are few funds available to help care for the grounds more aggressively.\n\nRegularly sized and spaced holes are carved into the building’s exterior, perhaps suggesting the former presence of wooden beams that supported other structures. Though it seems that the original doorway remains, it is quite heavily damaged – on the western façade’s northern side, the interior column has been destroyed except for the base. The southern side has fared better; the columns are almost completely intact. A modern staircase of an undetermined date descends from this doorway.\n\nSant’Andrea’s interior has been more carefully maintained than its exterior – though much of the area has been redone and the original decoration is no longer visible, it was restored with an eye to honoring the original style. There are fragments of Crusader art murals that now hang framed on the former monastery’s walls. A bulletin board contains some more in-depth but as-yet-unverified information about Sant’Andrea’s history. The monastery was run by the Regular Canons of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem and was a stop for pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land. The materials also detailed some of the problems with the site that were not immediately obvious: the roof has been heavily damaged, and water enters freely when it rains; humidity has degraded the building’s stones and presents major challenges to the murals’ preservation.\n" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 230, 274" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.983Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.983Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Andrew" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Thomasia" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess of Butera and Policastro" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Simon" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count of Butera and Policastro" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523796/piazza-armerina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Placiae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Iblatasa" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Platia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Iblatsah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Enna" ; nsp:isNear "Piazza Armerina" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 6.6E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Andrew of Piazza Armerina" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Andrea di Piazza Amerina" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4741713E1 3.80705092E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/monastero-di-san-filippo-di-demenna/" ; dbo:notes "This monastery may have been a center of hagiographical research." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 28, 35, 36, 43, 145 n., 148, 214 n., 215" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 102, 103, 105 (including n. 133), 113, 297, 304, 357, 401" , "Cusa, Salvatore, ed. I diplomi greci ed arabi di Sicilia pubblicati nel testo originale. Palermo: Stabilimento tip. Lao, 1868. pp. 389" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.345Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.345Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/V7MNSAU3" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Philip" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1090" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524698/frazzano.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Frasano" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Flacianò" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Frasino" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Frazzanò" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 5.23E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Filippo di Demenna" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Filippo di Fragalà" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Philip of Fragalà" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1090" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1090" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4996815E1 3.7288121E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 187" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.825Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.825Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint George" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524410/lentini.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Wâdî Lentini" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Palude Salata" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Leontini" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Lentina" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Syracuse" ; nsp:isNear "Lentini" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint George of Lentini" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giorgio di Lentini" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.32177298E1 3.75738513E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41, 46 n., 59, 71 n." , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 126, 405, 420" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.890Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.890Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint George" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1098" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525451/caltabellotta.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Troccolum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Agrigento" ; nsp:isNear "Caltabellotta" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint George of Triocala" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giorgio di Triocala" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1098" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1098" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.430337E1 3.798096E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 163" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.282Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.282Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1278" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/6535323/motta-d-affermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sparto" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Motta d'Affermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Spanto" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Sparti" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Sparti" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1278" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1278" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.33544897E1 3.81099097E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 140" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.879Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.879Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint George" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 2.4E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint George of the Kemonia" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giorgio in Kemonia" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.55210473E1 3.81908266E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.230Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.230Z" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Anne" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1308-1310" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Anna del Solario" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Anne del Solario" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1310" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1308" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.51319995E1 3.8016335E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 100-101, 363, 403" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.942Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.942Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint James" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523994/novara-di-sicilia.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Noharia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Noara" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Nucariae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Nohara" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Nouah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Nugaria" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Novara di Sicilia" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint James of Calò" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giacomo di Calò" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.329215E1 3.808202E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "This house was elevated to an archbishopric by Pope Lucius III on February 5, 1183. White, Latin Monasticism, pp. 142-43." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 37, 54, 55, 57, 59, 62, 64, 66, 71, 72, 87 n., 115-117, 132-148, 158, 173 n., 197" , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 169-170, 171-173, 175-183, 183-186, 192-194, 204-206, 210-213, 221-222, 223-224" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.567Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.567Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1174" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "William II" ; schema:honorificPrefix "King" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/10401310/cattedrale-di-monreale.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Munt Rival" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Monreale" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 2.56E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria La Nuova" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary Nuova" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Direct Subject of the Holy See" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1174" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1174" ; nsp:order "Cluniacs" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.551667E1 3.818333E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 116-122, 119, 121, 225 f., 301, 431" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43, 70" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.289Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.289Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Pantaleon" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1098" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Scholarios" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525529/bordonaro.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Pantaleone del Presbitero Scholarios" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Pantaleon of the Presbyter Scholarios" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Salvatore di Bordonaro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1098" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.335478E1 3.810953E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 12 n., 46, 54, 56, 64-66 n., 69, 71, 72, 116, 123-131, 173-175, 265" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.545Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.545Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint John (the Baptist?)" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger II" ; schema:honorificPrefix "King" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/11822517/eglise-saint-jean-des-ermites.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 2.4E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint John of the Hermits" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giovanni degli Eremiti" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Direct Subject of the Holy See" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.399922E1 3.7811967E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 219, 223-225" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.935Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.935Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523736/polizzi-generosa.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Casrum Policii" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Hisn-Bûlis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Policii" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Politium" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Polizzi Generosa" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of the Latins of Polizzi" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria Latina di Polizzi" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Mary of the Latins, Jerusalem" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.53E1 3.807E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 209-210, 212 n., 232" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.882Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.882Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Anne" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1123" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Adelasia" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525597/barcellona-pozzo-di-gotto.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Galath" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Anne of Gala" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Anna di Gala" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Saint Mary in the Valley of Jehosaphat, Palestine" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1123" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1123" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.47005667E1 3.80728323E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 35, 41, 45-46 n. 6 " , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 105, 110, 404, 421" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.786Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.786Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Barbarus" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1109" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523425/san-marco-d-alunzio.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "l'Agathinon" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qal'at-Sciant-Marku" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "l'Agathyrnum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Sancti Mauri" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Marci" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "San Marco d'Alunzio" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Barbaro di Dimenna" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Barbarus of Dimenna" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1109" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.460101E1 3.7783401E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "This is a guess. Troina's official tourism website (\"Enjoy Troina,\" (https://enjoytroina.it/siti-storici-e-archeologici/) claims that the Chiesa di San Silvestro was built to host the monks of the cenobio di Sant'Elia. So it needed to be nearby. The earliest date of construction reported by the commune is 1625, though the site has a placard explaining that the current church of San Silvestro was constructed on the foundations of a preexisting Basilian monastery’s small church. Nothing from the Norman period remains outside and though we were unable to access the church’s interior (its being locked for the summer, at least). Still, the current landscape is evocative of the vistas that might have been available to the monks – located in Troina, the first Norman capital in Sicily, Sant’Elia’s high location would have provided it an expansive overview of the surrounding mountains and valleys. " ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 87, 250, 356 f., 367, 390, 391" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 4, 41" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.846Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.846Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Elias" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2522849/troina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ambula" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Trayna" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Traina" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Troinae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Trainae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Targinis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Targinis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Draginat" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ambola" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Enna" ; nsp:isNear "Troina" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 1.003E3 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Elia di Ambula" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Elia d'Embula" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Elia di Ebulo" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Elias of Embula" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.25908556E1 3.76534828E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Nothing from the Norman period seems to have survived, a confirmation in 2019 of the original observation done in 2016.The interior, as well as the exterior, have been completely redone in a Baroque style. A statue of St. Michael is still located in a privileged place at the top of the church's facade, and he is accompanied by other holy figures, made at a significantly later date. The church today is surrounded by numerous buildings in a farily densely-packed setting, including an attached Benedictine nunery, a parrochial guest house, a B&B and numerous residential buildings. The piazza in front of the church is used for parking. This usage - as well as bird droppings, plants growing on the facade and human vandalism - present significant challenges to the current structure. As of the summer of 2019, the church was regularly opened in the early morning for mass, though its hours were very limited." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42, 59" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 405" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.154Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.154Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Michael the Archangel" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1124" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "George of Antioch" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Admiral" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524205/mazara-del-vallo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mâzar" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Maczarie" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Trapani" ; nsp:isNear "Mazara" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 1.2E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Michele di Mazara" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Michael of Mazara" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1124" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1124" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.36017081E1 3.7679698E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Luigi Santagati, Viabilità e topografia della Sicilia antica, vol. 2 (Caltanissetta: Edizioni Lussografica, 2013), 76 (s.v. \"Castronovo\"), equates the location with Castronovo di Sicilia." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41, 186, 275" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.805Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.805Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Steven" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525074/castronuovo-di-sicilia.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qasr-Nubu" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qasr al Jadid" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qaṣr Nubut" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Castrinovi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Novum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qasr al-Gadid" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo?" ; nsp:isNear "Castronovo di Sicilia?" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara?" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santo Stefano di Castronuovo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Stephan of Castronuovo" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Priory of Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5292174E1 3.8043722E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "This house later came to be known as San Placido di Calonerò. See White, Latin Monasticism, pp. 211 - 13." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 209-213" , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 36-38, 66-67, 67-72" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.903Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.903Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Mary Magdalene" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1140" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Placido di Calonerò" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria Maddalena di Giosafat" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary Magdalene of Jehosaphat" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Mary in the Valley of Jehosaphat, Palestine" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1140" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1140" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5554167E1 3.8216111E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 97, 98, 375 n. 69, 394, 398" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.187Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.187Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicander" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicander of Messina" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicandro di Messina" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4362704E1 3.792746E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 163" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.256Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.256Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1308-1310" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524122/mistretta.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mistrecta" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Mistretta" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Bucanto" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Bucanto" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Vocante" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1310" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1308" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.478688E1 3.81222117E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41, 187 n., 191 n." , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 90 n. 78" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.799Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.799Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Basil" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1080" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524020/naso.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Nasa" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Nasus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Naso" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Basil of Naso" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Basilio di Naso" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1080" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1080" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.470142E1 3.802143E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "The identification of the location of this house in Alcara Li Fusi is made by Giuseppe Reina, Itinerari italo-greci in Sicilia: I monasteri basiliani (Venice: Marsilio, 2016), p. 165." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 105, 109, 402" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.168Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.168Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicholas" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525752/alcara-li-fusi.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castellum Alcariae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panecastro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Alchares" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Alhares" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Alcares" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Acharet" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Alcara Li Fusi" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicolo de Rocca" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicolò de Petra" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicolò de Scalis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicholas of Paleocastro" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicolò di Palocastro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicolò di Ricca" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicolò di Paleocastro" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300045490" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Grange" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3663505E1 3.7936117E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 95, 100, 245, 255" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.629Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.629Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1098" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Robert Mandaguerra" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525476/caccamo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Caccabo" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Caccabum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Calces" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "K.k.b.sc" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qaqabus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Caccamo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Caccamo" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Caccamo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Bartholomew of Lipari/Saint Savior of Patti" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1098" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1098" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5562538E1 3.8196592E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/fortezza-del-san-salvatore-di-messinafortezza-del-san-salvatore-di-messina/" ; dbo:notes "Vita Bartholomei abbatis in Schriftquellen zur Kunstgeschichte des 11. und 12. Jahrhunderts für Deutschland, Lothringen und Italien, ed. Otto Lehmann-Brockhaus, 2 vols. (New York: ), 470. The monastery had been converted into a fortress by Charles V in the 1540s. The twelfth-century monastery was completely destroyed by the explosion of a powder magazine. After some time, the monks were relocated to a new location in 1573, a complex in the baroque style situated in the Charybdis neighborhood. " ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 175, 180, 301-302, 361, 362, 426, 428 (see also \"Archimandria di Sicilia\" in index) " , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 33 n., 40, 43, 45-46, 70-71, 112, 113, 139 n., 187 n., 259" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.377Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.377Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Christ" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger II" ; schema:honorificPrefix "King" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santissimo Salvatore in Lingua Phari" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Archimandritato del Santissimo Salvatore" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Christ the Savior in Lingua Phari" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4964094E1 3.8139876E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "This monastery was made a bishopric on September 14, 1131 by Antipope Anacletus II; in 1139, it was reduced to its previous status. Its abbot is referred to as electus in Sicily after September 1156, but was not consecrated bishop until late 1166. According to White, Latin Monasticism, traces of the exterior apse remain." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 54, 55, 59, 60, 63, 64 n., 65, 77-104, 189 n., 195, 216, 219" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.616Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.616Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Christ" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523864/patti.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Pactes" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Baqt.s" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Patti" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santissimo Salvatore di Patti" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Christ the Savior of Patti" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Direct Subject of the Holy See. As of September 14, 1131, Archbishopric of Messina-Troina." ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.55210473E1 3.81908266E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 163-164" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 227-228" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.972Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.972Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1168" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria dei Latina" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of the Latins" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Mary of the Latins, Jerusalem" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1168" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1168" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.541429E1 3.817007E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.251Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.251Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1308-1310" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/6535668/rometta.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Rametta" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Rimetulam" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Rimetas" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qal'at Rimtah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ramete" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Remete" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qal'at Rimza" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Rimecta" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Romecta" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Rometta" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1310" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1308" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.48512177E1 3.71270741E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 94, 96, 98, 101, 270, 274" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.642Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.642Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Holy Cross" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525492/buccheri.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Baccaratum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Buccherii" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Buccherie" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Broccatus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Manzil-Bukìr" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Syracuse" ; nsp:isNear "Buccheri" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Holy Cross of Buccheri" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Croce di Buccheri" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Saint Bartholomew of Lipari/Saint Savior of Patti" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.513821E1 3.790197E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "The identification of the location of this house in Francavilla di Sicilia is made by Giuseppe Reina, Itinerari italo-greci in Sicilia: I monasteri basiliani (Venice: Marsilio, 2016), p. 165." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 105, 107, 111" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.179Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.179Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1112" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524707/francavilla-di-sicilia.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Francavilla di Sicilia" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria della Gullia" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Gullia" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1112" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1112" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300045490" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Grange" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.48580471E1 3.76484169E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 112, 118 n., 120-121, 262" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.522Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.522Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525769/adrano.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Adernò" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Adrano" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Robore Grosso" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Robore Grosso" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Agatha of Catania" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5014426E1 3.7889053E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/il-monastero-di-san-giovanni-psicro-presso-randazzo/" ; dbo:notes "There appears to be some difference as to where exactly this house was located. Both Scaduto (p. 101) and Giunta (p. 730) place it near Mascali. Giuseppe Tropea, however, says on his medioevosicilia.eu (http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/il-monastero-di-san-giovanni-psicro-presso-randazzo/) that the remains of this monastery can be found in Contrada Sant'Anastasia, Randazzo. If this is right, what remains of the monastery is now on the property of Feudo Vagliasindi. The proprietors were not aware that the structure may actually be the remains of a monastery that dates to the Norman period. There are two distinct structures here, which may have been joined. The owners shared that there was an excavation led by Prof. Privitera of the University of Catania c. 2007. Found were a few lava stone tombs were covered with terracotta. Another tomb was discovered nearby that likely belonged to a member of the clergy which contained a slab with a Greek inscription. It has been left in place. Pieces of exterior walls, obscured by thick vegetation, also survive. (Can a standard Basilian plan be used to make sense of this info?) We are very grateful to Paolo and Corrado Vassallo for making the site available to us. " ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 101, 399, 420, 421" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.965Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.965Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint John (the Baptist?)" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523641/randazzo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Fiumefreddo" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Randâg" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Psicro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Randatium" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sicro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ipsichro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Randazzo" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 5.9E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giovanni di Psichro" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint John of Psichro" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.34333844E1 3.77208839E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "This became a female community beginning around 1190 (G.A. Loud, The Latin Church in Norman Italy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 533 (Appendix V). White, Latin Monasticism, 166, lists this as a priory. Parts of an arcade from the cloister may survive." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 55 n., 166, 176, 177, 293" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.701Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.701Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Michael the Archangel" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1155?" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Matthew Bonell" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523678/prizzi.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "B.r.zzu" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Prizi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Perizium" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Piricii" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Perici" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Prizzi" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Angelo di Prizzi" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Angelo of Prizzi" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Fossanova, Terracina" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1159" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:order "Cistercians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.538099E1 3.802596E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.271Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.271Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1093" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524745/fiumedinisi.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Fiumenisi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Flumen Dionysii" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Fiumedinisi" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria della Provvidenza" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary della Provvidenza" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1093" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1093" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.477145E1 3.803176E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.241Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.241Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Basil" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524679/galati-mamertino.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Galāt" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Galati" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ghalat" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Galati Mamertino" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Basil del Tormento" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Basilio del Tormento" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "The location of this house is unclear. White (pp. 178-179) places it, with some reservation, in Calabria whereas Scaduto (pp. 142-143), drawing on Garufi, argues for Sicily. Giunta records a date of earliest document at 1167, though White focuses on the document from January 1188 that records the conversion of this Basilian monastery into a Cistercian house." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 142-143, 225, 430" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 46 n., 170, 178-179" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.951Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.951Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1188" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria de Ligno" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary de Ligno" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1188" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1188" ; nsp:order "Basilians then Cistericans" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4887793E1 3.7616163E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "This is now the town hall as well as the Chiesa Madre Santissimo Crocifisso. Local tradition holds that there was a summer abbey, too, which is now a restaurant." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Cusa, Salvatore, ed. I diplomi greci ed arabi di Sicilia pubblicati nel testo originale. Palermo: Stabilimento tip. Lao, 1868. pp. 558" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 65, 101 n., 116, 118 n., 120-122" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.533Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.533Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/V7MNSAU3" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1143" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Thomasia" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess of Butera and Policastro" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Simon" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count of Butera and Policastro" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523320/santa-maria-di-licodia.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Santa Maria di Licodia" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 4.46E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Licodia" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Licodia" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Agatha of Catania" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1143" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1143" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 187" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.836Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.836Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint George" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giorgio di Hares" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint George of Hares" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Priory of Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calab" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.538099E1 3.802596E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.261Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.261Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524745/fiumedinisi.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Fiumenisi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Flumen Dionysii" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Fiumedinisi" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Fiumedinisi" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Fiumedinisi" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.333561E1 3.813205E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.292Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.292Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint John the Baptist" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Monastero del Precursore Giovanni" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Monastery of (St.) John the Forerunner" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.554915E1 3.826979E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 121, 363" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.076Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.076Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1114" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Nicholas Grafeos" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Austro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Massa" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Massa" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1114" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4896241E1 3.756779E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.243Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.243Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicholas" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1174" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Geoffrey Secretus" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523866/paterno.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bâtarnû" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Paternio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Paternionis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Paternò" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicolò di Paternò" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicholas of Paternò" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Agatha of Catania" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1174" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.48946395E1 3.75657758E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "The gentleman who provided access in July 2016 claimed there had been Muslim burials discovered there three or four years prior. Some had jewelry (he mentioned a necklace and ring, specifically). Among the remains were a mother and a baby. A few of the images show the pavement where he said they are located. At this time, there was a pending plan to open the burials for viewing by covering them with glass. In October 2019, however, this account was challenged by Antonio Mursia, a Ph.D. candidate in the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici at the Università degli Studi di Catania, who said that the burials were exclusively Christian, with the earliest dating to the twelfth century. A cross discovered in one of the tombs likely comes from either the tenth or eleventh century. It may have functioned as a reliquary." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 110, 209-211, 276" , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 45-49, 200-202" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.893Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.893Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1140" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523866/paterno.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Gancia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Paternio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Paternionis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bâtarnû" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Paternò" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 2.56E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Jehosaphat" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Giosafat" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of St. Mary in the Valley of Jehosaphat, Palestine" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1140" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1140" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.308785E1 3.7507266E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "This church was located next to the church of San Nicolò Latina. See the Libellus de successione pontificum agrigenti in Carlo Garufi, \"L'Archivio Capitolare di Girgenti: i documenti del tempo normanno-svevo e il Cartularium del secolo XIII,\" Archivio storico siciliano XXVIII (1903), 144. Also White, Latin Monasticism, 149. " ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 54, 149-151, 195" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.599Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.599Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "between 1100 and 1136" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Juliet" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523194/sciacca.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Saccae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Valverde" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "'As Saqqah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Cronio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Kronio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Novum Saccae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Xiaxia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sacca" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Agrigento" ; nsp:isNear "Sciacca" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 7.3E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Jummarriis" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria delle Giummare" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Cathedral of Santa Maria Nuova, Monreale" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1136" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1100" ; nsp:order "Cluniacs" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.48055513E1 3.80837188E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Luigi Santagati, Viabilità e topografia della Sicilia antica, vol. 2 (Caltanissetta: Edizioni Lusografica, 2013), 104 (s.v. \"Mallimaco\"), places Mallimachi near Castell'Umberto and we have used this town as the monastery's marker." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 101, 400" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.042Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.042Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525088/castell-umberto.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castaniae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Quastania" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mallimaco" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castania" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Castell'Umberto" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Mallimachi" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Mallimachi" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5010865E1 3.7933354E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43, 46 n." , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 146, 363 n. 30, 401, 421" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.255Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.255Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicholas" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1112" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Adelasia" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess and Regent" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523594/roccella-valdemone.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Roccellae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Aurichelle" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Roccella Valdemone" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicholas of Pellera" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicola di Pellera" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1112" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.45972855386231E1 3.80328919780564E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 75, 93" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43, 45" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.277Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.277Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Pancras" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523487/san-fratello.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Filad.nt" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Tre Santi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Sancti Filadelli" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Filadelfo" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Filadelfio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Filadelfus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Philatellus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Filadellus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Philadelphos" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Fradellus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Filadalf" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Sancti Filodelli" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "San Fratello" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 7.03E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Pancrazio di San Fratello" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Pancras of Saint Fratello" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4686714E1 3.8085164E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/monastero-di-san-pietro-di-deca/" ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 105, 108, 363, 400" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.300Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.300Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Peter" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2522900/torrenova.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Torrenova" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 8.8E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Pietro di Deca" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Pietro di Voca" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Peter of Deca" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.48946012E1 3.75680045E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41, 121-122" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.131Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.131Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Philip" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1143" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523866/paterno.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Paternio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bâtarnû" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Paternionis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Paternò" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Filippo di Pantano" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Philip of Pantano" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Mary of Licodia" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1143" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1143" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.50800044E1 3.75037018E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 117-120" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.511Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.511Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicholas" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1156" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Simon" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count of Butera and Policastro" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525068/catania.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Cathania" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qataniah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qatâna" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castello Ursino" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balad-al-Fil" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Catania" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "google_earth" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicholas of Arena" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicolò l'Arena" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Agatha of Catania" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1156" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1156" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300045490" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Grange" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.48353867E1 3.76639868E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 114, 230-231, 261-263, 284" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.994Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.994Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Elias" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1160" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Adelasia (Granddaughter of Count Roger I)" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525769/adrano.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Adernò" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Adrano" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Elia Profeta" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Elias the Prophet" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1160" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1160" ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.55210473E1 3.81908266E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 231-233" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.016Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.016Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Mount Sion" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Monte Sion" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Our Lady of Mount Sion, Jerusalem" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5029958E1 3.7260846E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/santa-maria-di-roccadia-presso-lentini/" ; dbo:notes "The foundation date and location of this monastery were taken from https://www.cistercensi.info/abbazie/abbazie.php?ab=1057 and the latter was confirmed during a field visit in July 2019. As it is in private hands, this site is especially difficult to access. Unless contact has been made with the landowner, it is only possible to drive up to the gates of the orchard on which the building is located. It is clear that not much (if any) of the monastery remains. At some point, it was converted into now-abandoned and crumbling farm buildings that may reflect the original arrangement: three buildings form a courtyard that provide views of the surrounding hills. Though the structures’ foundations seem to be earlier than their walls and roofs, one of the caretakers of the estate explained that over time the rains would dissolve the mortar holding the walls together, making it difficult to determine what might survive from the Norman period. Its use as farm buildings, especially stables, would have exposed structures to damaging animal byproducts that would have further degraded their integrity. As the buildings were deemed unstable, they are no longer in use (except for an apiary enclosed in a field to the site’s side) and, as such, have been overgrown – as of the visit of 2019, the courtyard is now overrun by plants of various stripes. Yet, even in its current ruin, it is easy to get a sense of how advantageous the location would have been for the monks. The caretaker lead us to two natural springs that likely kept - and continue to keep - the land well-watered." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 182, n.2" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.069Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.069Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological?" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1176?" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525349/carlentini.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Leontini" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Palude Salata" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Wâdî Lentini" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Lentina" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Syracuse" ; nsp:isNear "Carlentini" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 2.45E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Roccadia" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Roccadia" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1176" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1176" ; nsp:order "Cistercians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4753695E1 3.7162151E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 94, 101" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.655Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.655Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint John (the Baptist?)" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2522709/vizzini.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bizinus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bizino" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bizînî" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bizinas" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bidis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Turris Bizini" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Vizzini" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giovanni di Vizzini" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint John of Vizzini" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Bartholomew of Lipari/Saint Savior of Patti" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4916375E1 3.80462583E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 93, 357, 369, 395, 396" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.221Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.221Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicholas" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1101" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523658/raccuja.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Racuja" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Rahl kudyah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Raccudia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Raccuglia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Raccuiae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Racudia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Raccuja" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "google_earth" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 6.65E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicolò di Fico" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicholas of Fico" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicolò de Ficu" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1101" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 232, 274" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.011Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.011Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Baratathe" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Baratathe" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Our Lady of Mount Sion, Jerusalem" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4081389E1 3.7885556E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Although Scaduto (p. 152) and Giunta (p. 730) place this house in Petralia, our best guess based on toponymic evidenc is that it was located in Gonato, near the Masseria Rocca di Gonato. Today, an agriturismo sits on or near the former site of the monastery. We were able to see no evidence of a medieval structure during our visit." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 152" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.834Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.834Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Cosmas" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1142-1143" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525103/castelbuono.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ruqqah Basili" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castri Boni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Gonato" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ypsigro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Castelbuono" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Cosma a Gonata" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Cosmas at Gonata" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Cosma di Gonata" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1143" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1142" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.33606459E1 3.81168651E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "\"The nunnery contained at least two chapels: That of St. Eustachius, where it had two Latin priests, and that of St. Paul, served by a Greek priest. One is tempted to believe that the monastery was also connected with a preexisting church of St. Mary of the Latins, to which, in April 6673 (1165), ind. 13, the widow Filiberta willed two tars. This would seem to be identical with the 'ecclesia S. Marie de Cancellario' to which on the 16 March 1186, ind. 4, regni 22, Theocritus Mairosini of Chioggia left three taris. A church of Santa Maria del Cancelliere still exists in Palermo, near the Quattro Canti, but if anything of the Norman structure still exists it is completely obscured by baroque 'improvements' of the late sixteenth century.\" White, Latin Monasticism, pp. 160-61. An uncorroborated postscript is offered by the Italian-language Wikipedia article, \"Chiesa di Santa Maria del Cancelliere,\": \"1943, Nella notte tra il 29 e il 30 giugno è effettuato l'ultimo disastroso bombardamento aereo su Palermo, la chiesa è distrutta insieme al monastero. Restano pochi brandelli dell'antica magnificenza, sull'area occupata dal primitivo aggregato sorge un discutibile edificio scolastico. Grazie alla lungimiranza di monsignore Pottino direttore del Museo diocesano, preventivamente sono salvate molte delle opere, ma la struttura e gli affreschi, sono perduti per sempre.\" [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiesa_di_Santa_Maria_del_Cancelliere, February 5, 2018] " ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 65, 159-161" , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. , 109-111, 115-118, 129-137, 137-146, 155-161, 209-210" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.755Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.755Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1169" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Matthew of Agello" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Royal Vice-Chancellor" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 1.2E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santissima Maria del Cancelliere o dei Latini" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of the Chancellor or of the Latins" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Archbishopric of Palermo" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1169" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1169" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.52333918E1 3.78230309E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "White, Latin Monasticism (187 n.2), asks whether this could be the same house as Saint Onufrius of Calatabiet." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41, 187 n." ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.820Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.820Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Onufrius" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525459/calatabiano.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qal'at al-Bayan" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Calatabiani" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qal'at al-Bian" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Calatabien" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Calatabiano" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Onufrio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Onofrio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santo Eunufrio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santo Honufrio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Eunufrius of Calatabiano" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Eunufrio di Calatabiano" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Priory of Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3361046E1 3.8113141E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 128-129" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.030Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.030Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "c. 1072" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "google_earth" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 7.7E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of the Crypt" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria della Grotta" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria de Crypta" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1081" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1063" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "According to Korolevskij, this was in southern Messina, on the River Mili." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.296Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.296Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Christ" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Holy Savior of Milis" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Salvatore de Millis" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Salvatore di Scholario" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.555256E1 3.819394E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42, 45, 155-156" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 396 f." ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.987Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.987Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1101" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Ambuto" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Ambuto" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Mary de Scalis" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1101" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.499737E1 3.728556E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 148, 496" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.079Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.079Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint John" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1116" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524410/lentini.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Wâdî Lentini" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Lentina" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Leontini" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Palude Salata" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Syracuse" ; nsp:isNear "Lentini" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giovanni di Murgo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint John de Murgo" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1116" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1116" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3362695E1 3.80998181E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 66, 67 n., 71, 72, 168-171, 180, 181, 196, 197" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.722Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.722Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Holy Spirit" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "c. 1177" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Walter Offamil" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Archbishop of Palermo" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 3.4E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santissima Trinità di Palermo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Holy Spirit of Palermo" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1186" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1168" ; nsp:order "Cistercians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.24424612E1 3.7799186E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "There is some confusion here. White, p. 42, locates this house in Marsala. But Graham Loud thinks it was in Palermo but had been given a house in Marsala so that the monks of Palermo would revive the house to the west (Latin Church in Norman Italy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), p. 508). Scaduto, pp.131-32, argues that the confusion comes from the two houses having the same name and maintains that the monastery in Palermo had been united with the one in Marsala at the end of the twelfth century. In July 2019, we met a representative of the Museo Archeologico Lillibeo at the site. It has been rebuilt, having suffered significant damage during World War II, and there is no sign of a Norman presence. Excessive vegetation prevented us from accessing the interior. Michele, the representative, told us that up until approximately 30 years ago the site was in use but then was closed on account of structural concerns. Until about 15 years ago, it was possible to access the entrance. The site has been vandalized and we were told that an altar and a statue of the Virgin Mary has been taken. There is graffiti as well. There is a business being run from the area just behind an exterior wall. The site is built over a Punic burial ground. Stairs that descend to the entrance perhaps suggest the presence of the grotto after which this monastery hadx been named. The site is now autonomous and is under the care of Marsala's polo museale. It is possible to view the exterior without a guide, but entrance into the gated area can only be made possible by a representative." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 128, 130, 132, 140, 358, 405, 407" , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 21-24, 42-44, 195-196" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42, 45, 60" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.064Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.064Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1098-1108" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Christodoulos?" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Admiral?" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524245/marsala.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Marsa-Ali" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Marsa-Allah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Trapani" ; nsp:isNear "Marsala" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 5.6E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of the Grotto" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria della Grotta" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Santa Maria della Crypta" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1108" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1098" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3941816E1 3.7941756E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "White, Latin Monasticism, 192 n. 7, notes that althought Pirri and Amico assert that this monastery was founded around 1130, the first documentary evidence dates to 1347. White wonders if this house was confused with Saint Peter of Collesano. See the argument (1982) here http://www.collesanocultura.it/attachments/article/124/abbazia%20di%20Pedale.pdf for a Bailian identity. White considers this to have been a Benedictine house." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 163" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 192, n.7" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.095Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.095Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1347" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Adelasia?" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess?" ; foaf:gender "Female?" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524964/collesano.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Pedali" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qal'at -aṣ-Ṣirat" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Gulosam" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Golisanum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Collesano" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 5.57E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Pedale" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Pedale" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria Pratali Graecorum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1347" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1347" ; nsp:order "Basilians?" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey?" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5104299E1 3.7999851E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/monastero-cistercense-di-santa-maria-di-novara-di-sicilia/" ; dbo:notes "G.A. Loud says that this was founded as a Cistercian house in 1195 (Latin Church in Norman Italy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 533 (Appendix V)). When we visited in July 2016, a gentleman from the town claimed that there had been a tunnel that dated from the Muslim domination that connected the castle and this monastery." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 164, 182, 183" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.767Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.767Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1171" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523994/novara-di-sicilia.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Nohara" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Nugaria" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Nucariae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Noara" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Noharia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Nouah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Novara di Sicilia" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 5.33E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Novara" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Novara" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1171" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1171" ; nsp:order "Cistercians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.55210473E1 3.81908266E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 162, 322" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.236Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.236Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1095" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Leone Milfino" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Malfinò" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Barnara" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Malfinò" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Malfinò" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria de Malphino" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1095" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1095" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5281103E1 3.7069723E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 157" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.643Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.643Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523083/siracusa.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sarakûsa" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Syracuse" ; nsp:isNear "Syracuse" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria de Monialibus" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of the Nuns" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5523231E1 3.8140598E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/monastero-cistercense-di-santa-maria-di-roccamadore-presso-messina/" ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 119 n., 182, 183" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.778Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.778Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological?" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1194" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Bartholomew of Luci" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count of Paternò" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "google_earth" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 2.7E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Roccamadore" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Roccamadore" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Archbishopric of Messina-Troina" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1194" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1194" ; nsp:order "Cistercians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.25874E1 3.765359E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41, 43" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.143Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.143Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicholas" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "c. 1100?" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/10376094/saint-nicolo-regale.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Maczarie" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mâzar" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Trapani" ; nsp:isNear "Mazara" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 2.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicholas Regale" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicolò Regale" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1109" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1091" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5490884E1 3.8124229E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/monastero-di-santa-maria-di-mili-presso-messina/" ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 39 n., 42, 71 n., 236 n." , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 83, 81 ff., 251, 357, 375, 385" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.087Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.087Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1090" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 1.67E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Mili" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Mili" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1090" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1090" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.2880417E1 3.802643E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 213-214" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.914Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.914Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1100" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525095/castellammare-del-golfo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Calatamet" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qal'at al hammah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Calatameti" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Hisn-al-Madrig" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Trapani" ; nsp:isNear "Castellammare del Golfo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Calatahameth" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Calatahameth" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Mary in the Valley of Jehosaphat, Palestine" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1100" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1100" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 187" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.909Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.909Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Cataldo" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Cataldo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Cataldo" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3571007E1 3.7825702E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 126-127" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 35, 39 n., 42" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 122, 123, 124" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.120Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.120Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1097" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2522774/vicari.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Biccari" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bikû" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Boico" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Biccarum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Biccari" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Vicari" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Vicari" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Vicari" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1097" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5440424E1 3.8046484E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/monastero-dei-ss-pietro-e-paolo-di-itala/" ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 85 f., 357, 388" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.334Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.334Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Peter, Saint Paul" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1092" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524492/itala.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Gitala" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Italà" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 2.37E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saints Peter and Paul of Italà" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santi Pietro e Paolo di Italà" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1092" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1092" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.49212254E1 3.75617072E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "The ruins are located in Contrada Giaconia. Visited the site in July 2016. It is behind a padlocked fence, apparently on private property. The images reflect how difficult it is to access." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 124-126" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.110Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.110Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1166" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Steven" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Hermit" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523866/paterno.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Paternio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Paternionis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bâtarnû" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Paternò" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 3.0E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Scala" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Scala" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1166" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3602676E1 3.7678159E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Luigi Santagati, Viabilità e topografia della Sicilia antica, vol. 2 (Caltanissetta: Edizioni Lussografica, 2013), 76 (s.v. \"Castronovo\"), suggests that the location was Castronovo di Sicilia." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 186, 187 n., 249, 275" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.810Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.810Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525074/castronuovo-di-sicilia.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qasr al-Gadid" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Castrinovi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Novum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qaṣr Nubut" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qasr al Jadid" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qasr-Nubu" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo?" ; nsp:isNear "Castronovo di Sicilia?" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara?" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Castronuovo" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Castronuovo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Priory of Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.2612731E1 3.7651731E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Found on a hill in a suburb in Mazara’s east, the former monastery provides an impressive vantage point of the urban landscape and a sliver of the sea just beyond the sprawl – one can only imagine the unimpeded vista that would have been available to the monks. Though it was converted into a church and is apparently used with some frequency (a local newspaper reports that weddings are held there), the site seems abandoned. While it is relatively easy to reach the site by car/on foot, it is impossible to access the interior without keys. That said, the exterior is very telling: it seems that there has been some real effort to recreate the original context. A plaque on a stone wall describes the restoration of an \"ancient enclosing wall restored through the works of the Servi del Cuore Immacolato di Maria in 2000 A.D.\" The doorway and columns at the church's front appear to be original and it seems that the rest of the facade was later restored to harmonize with the earlier style. Unfortunately, the more modern stone does not seem to be wearing well, as cracks are visible. Also, it appears that fragments - some of which may be of the original building - are scattered throughout a debris field to the church's north side. As they are fully exposed to the elements and the animals that have easy access to the site, there are real concerns for their preservation. Humans have not been completely kind to the site either - litter abounds and there is some light graffiti present. The exterior security measures are easy to evade - the fences have large holes in them and despite signs warning of video surveillance and a camera, it is unclear whether the site is actually monitored. In addition to being of historical interest, the church's grounds are also of interest from a perspective of biodiversity. According to a video produced by a local newspaper, there is some unique vegetation located around the building. During our visit of 2019, we noticed that rough-hewn rocks had been arranged in a rounded labyrinth pattern, perhaps suggesting an attempt at creating a prayer space, though no identification was available." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 125" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.998Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.998Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1144" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524205/mazara-del-vallo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mâzar" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Maczarie" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Trapani" ; nsp:isNear "Mazara" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 2.7E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria de Alto" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria de Jummariis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria delle Giummare" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of the Giummare" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1144" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4076178E1 3.7506258E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 71, 193, 231-232" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.005Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.005Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Holy Spirit" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1098" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Adelasia" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525448/caltanissetta.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Calatanixectum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qal'at an-Nisâ" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Calatanissa" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castello di Nisa" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Caltanissetta" ; nsp:isNear "Caltanissetta" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 4 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 5.72E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santo Spirito a Caltanissetta" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Holy Spirit at Caltanissetta" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Our Lady of Mount Sion, Jerusalem" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1098" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1098" ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.46071177E1 3.77732506E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/san-michele-arcangelo-di-troina/" ; dbo:notes "Troina promotes an Arab-Norman itinerary, which includes Saint Michael. However, the monastery is accessed via private property (at the time of our visit, guarded by dogs). It is necessary to call the comune in advance so that contact can be made with the owner." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 88,91, 92, 250, 392, 393, 452" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.177Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.177Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Michael the Archangel" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1081" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/11821412/ruderi-del-monastero-di-s-michele-arcangelo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Targinis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Troinae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Traina" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Trayna" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Trainae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Targinis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Draginat" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Enna" ; nsp:isNear "Troina" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 8.53E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Michele di Troina" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Michael of Troina" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1081" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1081" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4085329E1 3.79733477E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 191 n.1" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.105Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.105Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Anastasia" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525103/castelbuono.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ypsigro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ruqqah Basili" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castri Boni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Q.ratiris" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Castelbuono" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 4.31E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Anastasia di Gratteri" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Anastasia of Gratteri" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Holy Trinity and Saint Michael Archangel of Mileto, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 239-240" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.064Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.064Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Catherine" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Caterina" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Catherine" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Order of the Knights Templar" ] ] ; nsp:order "Knights of the Hospital of Saint Lazarus at Jerusalem" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300312214" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Hospital" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3663505E1 3.7936117E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Giunta lists Pietro Sella, Rationes decimarum Italiae nei secoli XIII e XIV: Sicilia (Vatican City: Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 1977 [1944]), n. 206 as a source." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.220Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.220Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint John" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1308-1310" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525476/caccamo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qaqabus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Calces" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Caccabo" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "K.k.b.sc" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Caccabum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Caccamo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giovanni dei Lebbrosi" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint John of the Lepers" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1310" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1308" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4887486E1 3.8110391E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "The history of Sant’Angelo di Brolo is shrouded in mystery, a fact that is reflected in the scholarly record. Scaduto (p. 80), sees this monastery as having been one and the same with Sant’Angelo di Ficarra (also known as Fulgerino or Filarino) whereas Lynn White (pp. 41-42) considers them separately. Currently used as an urban cemetery, the remains of Sant’Angelo di Brolo bear little evidence of their medieval past. Indeed, during our July 2019 visit, Mr. Basilio Segreto, a local historian and moderator of the Facebook group Siciliantica Sede di Sant’Angelo di Brolo, suggested that, based on legends that surround Roger I’s conquest of the region and a document from 1092 that refers to a pre-existing location, the original monastery was located farther up in the hills surrounding the town. The new medieval community was formed by the count as he collected various Greek monks who were living in the area as hermits. According to this hypothesis, the monks moved to the current location sometime during the 16th century. Although this is not known for certain, it appears that the monastery was rebuilt in the mid-16th century; the following years, Mr. Segreto reports, were very favorable to the monastic community, due to silk production and, later, the cultivation of hazelnut trees. The site was converted into a cemetery following the religious suppression of the mid-19th century; today, its nave provides a footprint for its main corridor and the cloister offers an enclosure for a certain section of the interments. Given the vicissitudes of the monastery and the highly doubtful survival of Norman remains, cultural stone assessment would be of limited use for the project. We are enormously grateful to Mr. Segreto and to Ms. Angela Princiotto for sharing both their knowledge and time with us. " ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 80, 250, 357, 384" , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 1-7" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 35, 39 n., 40, 41, 88" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.774Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.774Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Michael the Archangel" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1084" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525499/brolo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Voah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Vohab" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Marsâ Dalîah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Voab" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Brolo" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 3.98E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Michael the Archangel of Brolo" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Michele Arcangelo di Brolo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1084" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1084" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.46997621E1 3.8072883E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 102, 400" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.868Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.868Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Felix" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523425/san-marco-d-alunzio.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "l'Agathyrnum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Marci" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Sancti Mauri" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qal'at-Sciant-Marku" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "l'Agathinon" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "San Marco d'Alunzio" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Felix of San Marco" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Felice di San Marco" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5068268E1 3.6889968E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 187" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.830Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.830Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Lucy" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523998/noto.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Rahalbiati" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Larbiato" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ralbiceo" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ralbiatum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Notus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Nota" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Notosc" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Nutus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Syracuse" ; nsp:isNear "Noto" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Lucy of Rahalbiato" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Lucia di Rahalbiato" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Priory of Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.474459455E1 3.807240344E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 106-107" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.287Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.287Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Michael the Archangel" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524698/frazzano.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Flacianò" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Frasano" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Frazzanò" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Michele Arcangelo di Demenna" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Michael the Archangel of Demenna" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.474049E1 3.762336E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42, 122" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 100" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.210Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.210Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicholas" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525032/centuripe.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santurb" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Centorbi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Centuripae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Certumbium" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Enna" ; nsp:isNear "Centuripe" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicola di Calamio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicola di Calamachi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicholas of Canneto" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicola di Canneto" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Mary of Licodia" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41, 42, 191 n. 1" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 89-90 n. 78" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.389Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.389Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicholas" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1080" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicholas of Butana" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicola di Butana" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1080" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1080" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.46997621E1 3.8072883E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 107" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.246Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.246Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Mark" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523425/san-marco-d-alunzio.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Sancti Mauri" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Marci" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "l'Agathyrnum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qal'at-Sciant-Marku" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "l'Agathinon" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "San Marco d'Alunzio" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Marco in Valdemone" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mark in Valdemone" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.474459455E1 3.807240344E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 107-108, 403" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.136Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.136Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1096-1097" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524698/frazzano.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Frasano" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Flacianò" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Frazzanò" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Fricanò" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Frazzanò" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Frazzanò" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Frigano" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1097" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1096" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.447828E1 3.7848816E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 219, 220, 223, 225-226" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.946Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.946Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Philip" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525387/capizzi.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qaysî" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Capitio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Capicio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Capizzi" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Philip of Capizzi" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Filippo di Capizzi" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Mary of the Latins, Jerusalem" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.45182507E1 3.76573552E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Possibly refounded by Roger I, who gave the monastery to the Benedictine order, the site is now located in one of Agira’s piazze – embedded in an urban context. Not much of its long history is obvious from the exterior; the building was refaced in the early 20th century but had been rebuilt in the 18th, after the monastery had been destroyed by an earthquake in 1693. Little trace from the Norman period is to be found inside, though columns (with replaced capitals) in a chapel on the south side of the church and an external archway off the eastern flank may date to the Middle Ages. Memory of the Normans linger in the sacristy where a painting of Roger I by Filippo Randazzo hangs (we were unable to view this work during our visit). Inside the church, it is clear that the local population traces the ultimate foundation of this monastery to a Basilian community that pre-dated the Normans." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 32, 33, 46 n., 81, 82, 92, 94, 110, 115, 214-224" , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 118-120, 120-122" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.924Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.924Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Philip of Agira" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525767/agira.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Agirò" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mons Argirium" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Agoron" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Argirione" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Enna" ; nsp:isNear "Agira" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 6.18E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Philip of Agira" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Filippo d'Agira" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Mary of the Latins, Jerusalem" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41, 191 n. 1" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.126Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.126Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicholas" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicola di Val Demone" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicholas of the Val Demone" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5083083E1 3.7506972E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43, 48, 53-55, 59-61, 63, 65-67, 69-71, 79, 89, 105-122, 142, 143" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.488Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.488Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Christ, the Virgin Mary, Saint Agatha" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1091" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525068/catania.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qatâna" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qataniah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castello Ursino" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Cathania" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balad-al-Fil" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Catania" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "google_earth" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 6.6E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Agata di Catania" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Agatha of Catania" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Direct subject of the Holy See from 1092, then subjected to Messina by anti-pope Anacletus II from 1131-1139. Later placed under the Archbishopric of Monreale by Pope Lucius III in 1183." ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1091" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1091" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.49936716E1 3.77511407E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 63, 116-121, 261, 276" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.500Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.500Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Leo" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1137" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Henry" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count of Paternò and Policastro" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524010/nicolosi.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Pennachio" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Nicolosi" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Leone di Pannachio" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Leo of Pannachio" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Agatha of Catania" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1137" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1137" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.55210473E1 3.81908266E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 187" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.815Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.815Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Matthew" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Matthew of Messina" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Matteo di Messina" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Priory of Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5478462E1 3.8100772E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/monastero-di-santo-stefano-briga-o-briculo/" ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 99, 421" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 731" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.432Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.432Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Steven" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Briculo" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Briga" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 1.44E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santo Stefano di Briga" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Steven of Messina" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santo Stefano di Messina" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5281103E1 3.7069723E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 11, 15 n., 24, 25 n., 154, 192, 198-206" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.861Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.861Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Lucy" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1140" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523083/siracusa.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sarakûsa" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Syracuse" ; nsp:isNear "Syracuse" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Lucia" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Lucy" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Cathedral of Saint Savior and Saints Peter and Paul, Cefalù" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1140" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1140" ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3855695E1 3.782149E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 187" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.841Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.841Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Peter" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523185/sclafani-bagni.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sclafa" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Isqlafiah" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Chiuse" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Cluse" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Schafa" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Sclafani Bagni" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Pietro di Sclafani" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Peter of Sclafani" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Priory of Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3116553E1 3.8045107E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 186" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.800Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.800Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint James" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523871/partinico.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Battinîq" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bartinîq" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Partenich" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "B.rt.niq" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Sale Parthenici" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Partinico" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giacomo di Partinico" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint James of Partinico" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.33606459E1 3.81168651E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "We are unclear whether this is the same site as the remains of the church of the same name, which stands in ruins at 38.089606,13.345073." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 161" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.204Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.204Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Oreto" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary de Oreto" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1148" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.55145472E1 3.82129513E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43, 45, 57, 71, 153-157, 203, 282" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 396-397" , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 15-16, 101-102" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.632Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.632Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1101" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Adelasia" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 2.78E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria della Valle" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria de Scalis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria delle Scale" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria de Alto" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary delle Scale" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "La Badiazza" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Archbishopric of Messina-Troina" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1101" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.47496803E1 3.80847065E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Both Mario Scaduto, Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale (Rome: Edizioni di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982), p. 110 and Giuseppe Reina, Itinerari italo-greci in Sicilia: I monasteri basiliani (Venice: Marsilio, 2016), p. 166 put the date of the earliest document for this monastery at 1136, a bit later than Lynn White." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 102, 110" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 731" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.455Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.455Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Theodore" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1130" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524131/mirto.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mertu" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Mirto" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Teodoro di Mirto" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Theodore of Mirto" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1130" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5268428E1 3.8187244E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 98, 102, 183, 186" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 731" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.444Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.444Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Theodore" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524155/milazzo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Milâs" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Melacii" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Milatium" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Milazzo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Theodore of Milazzo" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Teodoro di Milazzo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.496409E1 3.814736E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "The identification of the location of this house in Patti is made by Giuseppe Reina, Itinerari italo-greci in Sicilia: I monasteri basiliani (Venice: Marsilio, 2016), p. 165." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 105, 109" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.157Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.157Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Hippolytus" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523864/patti.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Pactes" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Baqt.s" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Patti" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Ippolito" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Ippolito" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Hippolytus" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1094" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300045490" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Grange" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.533537E1 3.7995241E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 96-97, 238, 357" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42, 145 n." ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.053Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.053Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1100" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524310/mandanici.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mandanichi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mandanich" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mashjmonli" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Mandanichium" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Mandanici" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 3.19E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Mandanici" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Mandanici" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1100" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1100" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4831383E1 3.7858033E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/monastero-di-santa-maria-di-maniace/" ; dbo:notes "White claims that \"[t]he abbot of Maniace was thus really the bishop of a diocese . . . .\" Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily, 147." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 46, 54, 55, 133, 145-148, 196" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.578Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.578Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Adelasia" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525498/bronte.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Brontis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bronti" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Bronte" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 7.54E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Maniace" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Maniace" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Cathedral of Santa Maria Nuova, Monreale" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.35638698E1 3.80373274E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42, 272" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 124, 125" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.019Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.019Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1134" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525734/altavilla-milicia.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Altavilla Milicia" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Michele di Campogrosso" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Campogrosso" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Campogrosso" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1134" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.55003272E1 3.81654608E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Luigi Santagati, Viabilità e topografia della Sicilia antica, vol. 2 (Caltanissetta: Edizioni Lussografica, 2013), 147 (s.v. \"San Filippo\"), places San Filippo Magno at San Filippo Superiore." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43, 214 n." , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 95, 357, 366, 369, 377-78, 397" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.355Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.355Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Philip" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1100" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523492/san-filippo-superiore.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "San Filippo Superiore?" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone?" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Filippo Superiore" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Philip the Great" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Filippo Magno" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1100" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1100" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.52433448E1 3.82183065E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 187, 191 n." ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.588Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.588Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Peter" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524155/milazzo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Melacii" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Milatium" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Milâs" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Milazzo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Peter of Milazzo" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Pietro di Milazzo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Priory of Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.33336542E1 3.80787177E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 151, 410, 411" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43, 140, 164-165" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.232Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.232Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicholas" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1141" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Theodore of Antioch" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Churchuro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Churkaru" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ci'irchuro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicolò lo Gurguro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicolò del Gurguro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicholas of Gurguro" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicola lo Gurguro" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1141" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.53084088E1 3.79470811E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/monastero-dei-ss-pietro-e-paolo-presso-casalvecchio-siculo/" ; dbo:notes "Antonino Tranchina, \"L’igumeno Theostíriktos e il «franco» Girardo ai Ss. Pietro e Paolo di Agrò,\" Arte medievale 6 (2016): 61-68 argues for a construction date of 1169-1172." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 75, 149-151, 188, 262, 274-275 n. 73, 335, 357, 365" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43, 44, 72" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.323Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.323Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Peter, Saint Paul" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1115" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger II" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525251/casalvecchio-siculo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Palachorion" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Calatabieth" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Calatabiet" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Casalvecchio Siculo" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 1.42E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santi Pietro e Paolo d'Agrò" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saints Peter and Paul of Agrò" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1115" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1115" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.478688E1 3.81222117E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 106, 108, 403, 492" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 731" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.147Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.147Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Talleleo" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1092" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524020/naso.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Naso" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Talleleo" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Talleleo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1092" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1092" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300045490" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Grange" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4957135E1 3.8466846E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Located at the top of a steep set of stairs that give way to a street lined with neolithic archeological sites, the current church of San Bartolomeo is easy to access. Although nothing from the Norman period appears to remain on the exterior (though it was impossible for us to tell as we were unable to walk around the entire exterior), the back of the current church offers a view of the sea the monks would have had; the site is on a cliff with a sheer drop to the water. Inside the church is the Norman cloister. Lynn White noted in 1938 that traces of the exterior apse remained, though it seems he was not aware of the extent of the cloister’s survival (\"The exterior of the apse of the cathedral of St. Bartholomew on Lipari would seem to be a fragment of the Norman church; however, I could find no reliable information on the subject.\" (p. 99)). It wasn't fully uncovered until 1978, when Luigi Pastore, the church's long-serving sacristan, noticed other clues and notified the Soprintendenza of Messina, which began excavation.\n\nInside one gets a sense of the “recycling” that went on – fluted columns from Roman houses were freely adapted and integrated into the cloister, providing support for the double barrel-vaulted ceilings. The Roman houses, in their turn, were built over preexisting Greek structures. Apparently, the area was for long a site of religious observance; a temple to Hephaestus and an early Christian church may have preceded the monastery. Though intriguing, this reuse makes stone assessment at the site difficult, as it is hard to discern the stones' ages. Note that the first sustainability reading - the one for the column - was performed on one recycled from a Roman house.\n\nFrom the cloister’s ambulatory, one can look out into the now-barren courtyard that served as the monastic community’s contemplative space. While some of the columns’ capitals may be of an earlier style, there are others that seem to be medieval (or, at least, fashioned in a medieval style). Remnants of wall painting from a later period are especially visible near the cloister’s entrance, where it is connected to the cathedral. This was an exceptionally important monastery during the Norman period. It was made a bishopric on September 14, 1131 by Antipope Anacletus II though in 1139, it was reduced to its previous status. Its abbot is referred to as \"electus\" in Sicily after September 1156, but was not consecrated bishop until late 1166." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 54, 55, 59, 60, 63, 64 n., 65, 77-104, 189 n., 195, 216, 219" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.601Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.601Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Bartholomew" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1088" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Robert Guiscard" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Duke" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/10376237/cattedrale-di-san-bartolomeo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Lipara" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Garirat-Libara" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Lipari" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 4.1E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Bartolomeo di Lipari" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Bartholomew of Lipari" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Direct Subject of the Holy See. As of September 14, 1131, Archbishopric of Messina-Troina." ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1088" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1088" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4524197E1 3.6828956E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "White, Latin Monasticism, 110 n. 2: \"Pirri [Sicilia sacra, 3rd ed., Palermo, 1733], 573 and 688, asserts that a charter [given to the monks of St. Agatha's, Catania, by Count Geoffrey of Ragusa, son of Roger I, on December 16, 1120] united the priory of St. Mary in Ragusa to St. Agatha's. However, since there is no reference in the Norman period to this priory, De Grossis [Catana sacra, Catania, 1654], 66, more conservatively speculates that St. Mary's may ultimately have grown out of [Geoffrey's] donation.\"" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 219, 221, 223, 226" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.962Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.962Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Holy Cross" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Silvester of Marsico" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count of Ragusa" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523650/ragusa.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Camerina" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Ragusiae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ragûs" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Kamerina" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Racusiam" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ragusia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Ragusa" ; nsp:isNear "Ragusa" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Holy Cross of Rasacambri" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Croce di Rascambri" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Mary of the Latins, Jerusalem" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1151" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.55210473E1 3.81908266E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 97, 98, 375 n. 69, 394, 398" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.976Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.976Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Leo" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Leone di Messina" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Leo of Messina" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.45073319E1 3.78094542E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41, 122" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.120Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.120Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Christ" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1143" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525031/cerami.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Garâmi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Chirami" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Terami" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Cirama" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ceramin" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Chinami" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Enna" ; nsp:isNear "Cerami" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Christ the Savior of Cerami" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santissimo Salvatore di Cerami" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Mary of Licodia" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1143" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1143" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.538099E1 3.802596E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "NB: Luigi Santagati, Viabilità e topografia della Sicilia antica, vol 2 (Caltanissetta: Edizioni Lussografica, 2013), 150 (s.v. \"San Nicono\"), proposes that San Nicone was near Itala, which would be some distance (>10 miles) away." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42, 46 n." , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 69, 92, 357, 394" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.198Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.198Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicander" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1093" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524745/fiumedinisi.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Fiumenisi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Flumen Dionysii" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Fiumedinisi" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicandro di San Nicone" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicander of San Nicone" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1093" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1093" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.470142E1 3.802143E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 163" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.276Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.276Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1308-1310" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525752/alcara-li-fusi.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Alchares" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Acharet" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Alcares" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castellum Alcariae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Alhares" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panecastro" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Alcara Li Fusi" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Rogato" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Rogato" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1310" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1308" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.51007513E1 3.79156547E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.medioevosicilia.eu/markIII/monastero-di-san-salvatore-della-placa-presso-francavilla-di-sicilia/" ; dbo:notes "This monastery is located near Francavilla, in Contrada Badiazza, on a steep and inaccessible road. Little is known about the community. It was abandoned in the 18th century." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 7" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 83, 84 f., 357, 386" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.421Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.421Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Christ" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1092" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524707/francavilla-di-sicilia.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Francavilla di Sicilia" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "google_earth" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 4.95E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Christ the Savior of Placa" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santissimo Salvatore della Placa" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1092" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1092" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.50594847E1 3.81242857E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 145, 146" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.857Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.857Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Elias" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523972/oliveri.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Oliverii" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Limiri" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Lu Liveri" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Libiri" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Marsa L.biri" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Oliverium" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Oliveri" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Elias of Scala Oliverii" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Elia de Burracha" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Elia di Burraca" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Elia di Scala Oliveri" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.52730725E1 3.81697389E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43, 45, 98, 99, 214 n., 246" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 93, 75, 356, 369" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.367Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.367Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Philip" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "before 1101" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523333/santa-lucia-del-mela.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Maccaruni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Lucia del Mela" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Sanctae Luciae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Santa Lucia del Mela" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Filippo di Santa Lucia" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Philip of Saint Lucy" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Bishopric of Lipari" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1101" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.5233962E1 3.8119878E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42, 209 n." , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 19-20" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 143, 144, 357, 367, 375, 410" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.763Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.763Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Adelasia" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess and Regent" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525597/barcellona-pozzo-di-gotto.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Galath" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 2.6E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Gala" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Gala" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.32995746E1 3.78135067E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 187" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.583Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.583Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicholas" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524928/corleone.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Coiroillionis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Qorliûn" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Coniglione" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Corilionis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Corleone" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicholas of Corleone" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicola di Corleone" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Priory of Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.477145E1 3.803176E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 105, 108" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.189Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.189Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Peter" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524679/galati-mamertino.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Galāt" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Galati" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ghalat" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Galati Mamertino" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Pietro di Galati" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Peter of Lueli" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Pietro di Lueli" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1105" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300045490" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Grange" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3963844E1 3.7952862E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 199, 201, 205-206" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.872Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.872Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "Saint George" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1155" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Duke of Apulia" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524572/gratteri.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Q.ratiris" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Gratteri" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 6.65E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Giorgio di Gratteri" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint George of Gratteri" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Cathedral of Saint Savior and Saints Peter and Paul, Cefalù" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1155" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1155" ; nsp:order "Premonstratensian Canons" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.45993704E1 3.7782591E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 390" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.810Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.810Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Basil" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2522849/troina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Targinis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Targinis" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Trainae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Troinae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Trayna" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Traina" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Draginat" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Enna" ; nsp:isNear "Troina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Basil of Troina" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Basilio di Troina" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.335814E1 3.8098661E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 729" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 140" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.728Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.728Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Andrew" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1187?" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Andrea di Bebene" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Andrew of Bebene" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1187" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1187" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.48422705E1 3.72935824E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 234-235" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.032Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.032Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523180/scordia.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Scordia Suitana" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Excordia" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Scordia Suprana" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Scordia" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sconosciuto" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Unknown" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Order of the Knights Templar" ] ] ; nsp:order "Knights Templar" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000641" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Temple" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.48627627E1 3.78286412E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 183" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.822Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.822Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Constantine" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524322/maletto.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Malecti" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Catania" ; nsp:isNear "Maletto" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Costantino di Malet" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Constantine of Malet" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Costantino di Maletto" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3168807E1 3.8703677E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 54, 152" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 731" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.621Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.621Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1194" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2522818/ustica.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Hostica" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Ghazîrat-Osctika" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Ustica" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Ustica" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Ustica" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Bishopric of Agrigento" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1194" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1194" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.33569992E1 3.8117699E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 186, 275" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.795Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.795Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Peter" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1116" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523920/palermo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Panormus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bân.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bn.rm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarmuh" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Balarm" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palermo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Peter of Palermo" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Pietro di Palermo" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Priory of Saint Mary and the Twelve Apostles at Bagnara, Calabria" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1116" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1116" ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3571007E1 3.7825702E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Cusa, Salvatore, ed. I diplomi greci ed arabi di Sicilia pubblicati nel testo originale. Palermo: Stabilimento tip. Lao, 1868. pp. 4" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 88, 90l, 94, 101-102, 250, 252, 277" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.668Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.668Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/V7MNSAU3" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Sophia" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1120" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Robert of Milia" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2522774/vicari.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Biccari" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bikû" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Biccari" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Biccarum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Boico" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Vicari" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Sophia of Vicari" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Sophia di Vicari" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint Bartholomew of Lipari/Saint Savior of Patti" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1120" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1120" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.524023E1 3.822008E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "The identification of the location of this house in Milazzo is made by Giuseppe Reina, Itinerari italo-greci in Sicilia: I monasteri basiliani (Venice: Marsilio, 2016), p. 165." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 109" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.199Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.199Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saints Cosma and Damian" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1310" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524155/milazzo.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Milatium" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Milazzo" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saints Cosma and Damian" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santi Cosma e Damiano" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1310" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1310" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300045490" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Grange" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.55210473E1 3.81908266E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. " , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 235-239" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.043Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.043Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint John the Baptist" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "L'ospedale di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Order of the Knights of the Hospital of Saint John at Jerusalem" ] ] ; nsp:order "Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300312214" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Hospital" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3325655E1 3.7644311E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "The ruins of Santa Maria di Adriano are located high up in the mountains of the Sosio Valley Nature Reserve. The site is difficult to reach without an all-terrain vehicle and a local who is familiar with the landscape. In July 2019, the comune put us in touch with a resident who was willing to make the journey. It appears that until a few years ago, the path to the monastery and the immediately surrounding area was much easier to reach. Since that time, though, the territory has suffered from extensive overgrowth, as the images demonstrate. Once there, we were able to see the remaining walls of the monastery; traces of the paint suggest that the structure had been redone in a later style, though it is impossible to determine the extent of the reconstruction. As far as we can tell, two levels of the structure survive. The state of the building is incredibly poor and it is dangerous to enter its confines. With that said, it is clear that both animals and humans have sheltered there in the recent past and local lore has it that criminal elements have sought refuge in the ruin." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 129-132, 272" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.556Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.556Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1157" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "William I" ; schema:honorificPrefix "King" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2523925/palazzo-adriano.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Villa Adriana" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Palacium Triane" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Adrianum" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Castrum Palacii Adriani" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Palazzo Adriano" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 5.83E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Adriano" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Adriano" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Abbey of Saint John of the Hermits" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1157" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1157" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.3343851E1 3.7608188E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "It appears that this had been a monastery dedicated to the Virgin Mary but then was rebuilt and/or expanded to become a monastery dedicated to the Holy Trinity with a church dedicted to the Virgin Mary. White, Latin Monsticism, pp. 172-77." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 55 n., 172-177, 268, 272, 289, 293" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.733Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.733Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary, archaeological" ; nsp:dedication "the Holy Trinity" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "c. 1170" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Ansaldus" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Castellan" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525485/burgio.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Burgimill" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Borgetto" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Villanova" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Burgimillus" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Burgi de Cristiani" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Agrigento" ; nsp:isNear "Burgio" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 8.06E2 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santissima Trinità di Refesio" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Holy Trinity of Refesio" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Bishopric of Agrigento" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1179" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1061" ; nsp:order "Cistercians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.55135857E1 3.81754338E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 152-155, 357, 367, 411, 412" , "Garufi, Carlo Alberto. I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia. Palermo: Lo Statuto, 1899. pp. 88-89" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 42, 71 n. 2" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.008Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.008Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/7QPHAVE8" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Virgin Mary" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1178-1179" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Ola Grafeos" ; schema:honorificPrefix "" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2524170/messina.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Massîni" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Messina" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Mary of Bordonaro" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santa Maria di Bordonaro" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1179" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1178" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.538132E1 3.815733E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 183, 363" , "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 41" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:21.751Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:21.751Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Anne" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "https://www.geonames.org/2524093/monforte-san-giorgio.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Monforte" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Anf 'an Nahr" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Capobianco" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Monteforte" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Messina" ; nsp:isNear "Monforte San Giorgio" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 1 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Anna e San Nicola" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Anna di Monforte" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Anne of Monforte" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Anna di Monteforte" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.4469397E1 3.7474889E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Luigi Santagati, Viabilità e topografia della Sicilia antica, vol. 2 (Caltanissetta: Edizioni Lussografica, 2013), 88 (s.v. \"Fessina\"), places this near Aidone, near Pietratagliata in Contrada San Bartolo.\n" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 232" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:23.022Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:23.022Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Anne" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525761/aidone.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Fessina" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Fessima" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Fesine" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Felsinae" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Enna?" ; nsp:isNear "Aidone?" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto?" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Anne of Fesime" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Sant'Anna di Fesime" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Our Lady of Mount Sion, Jerusalem" ] ] ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.40233794E1 3.80399685E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "This monastery was made a bishopric by the Antipope Anacletus II on 14 December 1131; after July 1139, its bishop was known as electus until December 1166, when the episcopal rank was restored. See White, Latin Monasticism, pp. 189 - 201. We are very grateful to Prof. Eric Ivison, College of Staten Island/CUNY, for making many of his images of this site available to us." ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 37, 49, 54, 55, 56, 58, 65, 71, 72, 89, 96, 157, 189-201" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.851Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.851Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Christ, Saint Peter, Saint Paul" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Roger II" ; schema:honorificPrefix "King" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525041/cefalu.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Gafludi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Cephaludi" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Palermo" ; nsp:isNear "Cefalù" ; nsp:locationCategory "representative" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "generic_handheld_gps" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val Demone" ; geo:alt 4.7E1 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Christ the Savior and Saints Peter and Paul of Cefalù" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santissimo Salvatore e Santi Pietro e Paolo a Cefalù" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Bishop of Messina" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Augustinian Canons" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.48833867E1 3.70851794E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "" ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 54, 152" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.611Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.611Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "the Holy Spirit" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1192" ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "Alphana (Stefania)" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Countess of Ragusa" ; foaf:gender "Female" ] ; nsp:hasFounder [ a nsp:Founder ; rdfs:label "William of Marsico" ; schema:honorificPrefix "Count of Ragusa" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2525483/buscemi.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Requisenz" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Buxeme" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Buyssem" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Bussema" ; dcterms:language "unknown" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:isIn "Syracuse" ; nsp:isNear "Buscemi" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Noto" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Holy Spirit of Buscemi" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Santo Spirito di Buscemi" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasParent [ a nsp:Monastery ; nsp:hasName [ rdfs:label "Bishopric of Syracuse" ] ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1192" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1192" ; nsp:order "Benedictines" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300000645" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Priory" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ; geojson:features [ a geojson:Feature ; geojson:geometry [ a geojson:Point ; geojson:coordinates ( 1.329048E1 3.758761E1 ) ] ; geojson:properties [ a nsp:Monastery ; dbo:notes "Luigi Santagati, Viabilità e topografia della Sicilia antica, vol. 2 (Caltanissetta: Edizioni Lussografica, 2013), 93 (s.v. \"Gesso\"), places Ysa 9 kilometers (approximately 5.5 miles) northwest of Messina. This identification (and Pirri's comment) may give us some reason to reconsider the placement of this monastery in the province of Agrigento," ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Giunta, C. F. 1983. \"Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna.\" In Basilio di Cesarea, la sua età, la sua opera e il basilianesimo in Sicilia. Messina: Centro di studi umanistici. pp. 730" , "Scaduto, Mario. Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale : rinascita e decadenza : sec. XI - XIV. Roma: Ed. di \"Storia e Letteratura,\" 1982. pp. 99, 399" , "White, Lynn. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. Cambridge, Mass. :: Mediaeval Academy of America Ann Arbor, Michigan: MPublishing, University of Michigan Library, 1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.30929. pp. 43" ; dcterms:contributor "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:created "2019-10-09T03:54:22.266Z" ; dcterms:creator "Joe Hayes" ; dcterms:modified "2019-10-09T03:54:22.266Z" ; cito:citesForInformation "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/8D8GP7NX" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/CDFDD2GL" , "https://www.zotero.org/groups/2199947/norman_sicily_project/items/itemKey/XN5REGM6" ; nsp:attestationTypes "documentary" ; nsp:dedication "Saint Nicholas" ; nsp:earliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:hasLocation [ a nsp:Location ; rdfs:seeAlso "http://www.geonames.org/2522762/villafranca-sicula.html" ; nsp:archaeologicalRemains "unknown" ; nsp:isIn "Agrigento" ; nsp:isNear "VIllafranca Sicula" ; nsp:locationCategory "associated_modern" ; nsp:positionalAccuracyAssessment "unknown" ; nsp:sesimicClassId 2 ; nsp:wasIn "Val di Mazara" ; geo:alt 0.0E0 ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "San Nicola di Ysa" ; dcterms:language "it" ; nsp:isPreferred false ] ; nsp:hasName [ a nsp:Name ; rdfs:label "Saint Nicholas of Ysa" ; dcterms:language "en" ; nsp:isPreferred true ] ; nsp:maxEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:minEarliestAttestation "1131" ; nsp:order "Basilians" ; nsp:placeCategory "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300000642" ; nsp:rankAtFoundation "Abbey" ; nsp:recordStatus "draft" ; foaf:gender "Male" ] ] ] .