
Introductory Essays

Written by Montclair State University Undergraduate Students and Translated by Alessandra Faranda, University of Palermo

  1. “The Norman Conquest of Southern Italy and Sicily,” by Bobby Ammiano, Gary Rodriguez and Brian Schnell
  2. “The Norman Rulers,” by Rich DeVivo, Alicya Garrido, Robert Macaluso and Taelor Myrie
  3. “The Worlds the Normans Found,” by Masud Ahmed, Fathia Balgahoom, Kenneth Gutierrez and Jonathan Hoffman
  4. “The World the Normans Made,” by Emily Cotugno, Kimberly Grecco, Megan Ingwersen, Samuel Moss and Dylan Reddick

Teaching Resources

Created and Translated into Italian Respectively by Montclair State University Undergraduate Students Tanner Rusyniak (CHSS, 2022) and Tanina Habib (CHSS, 2023)

  1. “The People of Norman Sicily”
  2. “Monasteries and Religion of Norman Sicily”
  3. “Assessing the Stone Stability of Norman Sicily’s Monuments”


Dawn Marie Hayes and Joseph Hayes, The Norman Sicily Project: An Ongoing, Web-Based Effort to Promote the Island’s Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Past. In Mapping Medieval Sicily: Maritime Violence, Cultural Exchange, and Imagination in the Mediterranean), ed. Emily Sohmer Tai and Kathryn Reyerson (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022), 269-91. This is a significantly revised and updated version of the 2019 Digital Medievalist article.

Dawn Marie Hayes and Joseph Hayes, The Norman Sicily Project: A Digital Portal to Sicily’s Norman Past, Digital Medievalist , 12(1), p.3. DOI: http://doi.org/10.16995/dm.68 .


Dr. Greg Pope’s explanation of the Cultural Stone Stability Index (CSSI), an adaptation of the Rock Art Stability Index (RASI) developed by members of the Stone Heritage Research Alliance , which we are using to assess a number of Sicily’s surviving Norman monuments.

Click here for a PDF of the Index . Currently, the monastic sites we have assessed with the CSSI include St. Nicholas of Fico, St. Venera of Vanella (possibly), St. Lucy of Adernò, Christ the Savior of Placa, St. Bartholomew of Lipari, St. Philip of Agirà, Sts. Peter and Paul d’Agrò and St. George of Gratteri.

The project’s backstory , via Montclair State University ’s Office of Alumni Relations .

White Paper

National Endowment for the Humanities ’ Humanities Collections and Reference Resources White Paper .

Conference Paper

“The Norman Sicily Project: A Completed Prototype and Next Steps.” Given at the International Medieval Congress , University of Leeds , July 5, 2021.


The NSP’s bibliography .